Monday, 26 August 2013

Cap-on Day

The cap (with repainted fantail) is due to be lifted back on to the mill tower on the morning of Thursday 29th August. It has to be done by 2pm as the museum is open then with Children's Activities.
Below are a couple of photos of the cap with most of the scaffolding and sheets removed. (the mill tower remains shrouded with corrugated iron, scaffolding and sheets). The fantail, which is currently in the museum grounds, will be reattached to the cap shortly before the cap is lifted.
You might want to wear sunglasses to see the cap in person as the gloss paint is brilliant white!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Restoration Update - August 2013

More photos of the restoration work that has been taking place during late July and August.
The repairs are still on schedule, with the cap now due to go back on in late August and the sails going on in October or November.
All 4 sails are now complete and are in our Millwrights workshop in Lincolnshire awaiting the shutters. The volunteer Shutter Team have almost made enough shutters for 2 sailsIf you would like to help make the new shutters (at the museum) contact Ann Wise, Volunteer Coordinator
Click on a photo to see a larger version. Oldest photos at the bottom. Newest at the top.
All photos by Steve Boulton of Traditional Millwrights Limited
Grain Bins rebuilt

New handrails

Millstones refitted after refurbishment

Sail number 4 (almost complete in the photo. It has since been completed)