Tuesday 25 January 2022

Changing times at Burwell Museum

Although the museum is closed to the public until Easter, there is plenty going on behind the scenes! Look out for some revamped display areas when we reopen, as well as a new temporary exhibition on Burwell Carnivals through the ages. We’ll also be celebrating the museum’s 30th anniversary in 2022 – doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?


We will be having some changes in personnel as the year begins. Alison has reduced her hours and will be concentrating on the education officer role, so we hope to welcome a new administrator very soon to take on the rest of her job. The new person will be in charge of planning the year’s events, so we have nothing to share yet, but you can book a visit, outreach talk or Zoom talk for a group by contacting Alison on education@burwellmuseum.org.uk.


Some volunteers are also stepping back or taking on new roles, and we are grateful to all of them for their hard work over the years. We’re also grateful to those who are filling their places, and as always we would welcome more volunteers to join our team. If you’re around on a Tuesday in the winter, or a Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday in the summer, and you are interested in helping the museum please contact us on volunteers@burwellmuseum.org.uk for more information about volunteer roles. We are currently recruiting new trustees, so if you are interested in having a say in what happens at the museum please come and join us.


Although we don’t have an official events programme for this year yet, we do know that we are planning to open to the public for the new season with the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday 17th April and Monday 18th April. Please save the date and we look forward to seeing you there! 
