Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Events programme for the rest of the year

We had a great time at National Mills Weekend, welcoming over 250 visitors in the glorious weather and raising just under £500 for museum funds. Thank you very much to everyone who came, and to our wonderful musicians! Now we can concentrate on the rest of the year. Our events programme is:
23 May tea and talk: Burwell Brick and Tile works with Paul Hawes
30 May half term activities: Bone and more
13 June late opening for Burwell festival: free entry to the vintage vehicles gallery
15 June Burwell carnival
23 June Classic Car Day 
21 July Summer Fete
25 July to 29 August (Thursday afternoons) summer holiday activities: What is History made of?
15,19 and 22 September Heritage Open Days
24 October half term activities: Water
More information about all events can be found on our website - we hope to welcome you to one or more of them!